In 2019 plan to do what you say!

It is that time of year. For some its that best time of the year because whatever happened in 2018 you can fix in 2019. This has always been my feeling. There is nothing better than a new year. Even though in reality it is just another day. Nothing really changes from today to tomorrow but there is just a feel difference. It seems that what wasn’t possible this year is now possible in the new year. My hope is always at its all time high on new years eve. For most of my life I thought everyone felt like … Continue reading In 2019 plan to do what you say!


v  Ok! Today is going to be crazy because I really don’t have time to post but the whole point of the blog is to post daily. I don’t really have enough time and I also don’t really have anything to talk about. I was going to talk about something that dealt with communication but after communicating with the person I was having the issue with now I feel fine. The only thing that I can to talk about is a conversation I had with a friend today. He said man I see you posting all the time. I told … Continue reading Post

The ROI of doing nothing.

As I read back my title it makes me chuckle to myself a little. I mean it sounds completely ridiculous. How can there be any return on doing nothing. I mean I am not actually telling you to do nothing. What I am saying is rest. This is somewhat a follow up on yesterday’s post about slowing down. During the holiday season it’s really easy to get caught up going and going and not spend any time resting. I know i’ve been feeling more and more tired and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. About a year or … Continue reading The ROI of doing nothing.

Finish Strong

Well we are at that time of year. The time of the year where we take time to look at what we wanted to do this year and decide what it is that we want to do next year. Every year I always feel very excited about the following year because I always believe that this next year will be the best year yet and I will finally have that break through year in my life. I think this is a great attitude to have. I mean if you have no hope what are you really doing. You are not … Continue reading Finish Strong

Slow Down

During the holiday season it is easy to stay busy. I have found myself quite busy over the past couple of days and now I feel very tired. I don’t really feel like doing anything and all I want to do is just sleep. This is not good and is something that I think is important to address. I think most people live their lives a little busier than we should. We are not meant to go and go and go. We need rest and relaxation. We need a time to readjust and to let our bodies heal and mend. … Continue reading Slow Down

The one.

Everyone lives their life or I should say their love life’s searching for the one. Yesterday I was having lunch with my grandmother and she asked me if I knew that my girlfriend was the one. My answer was no. She looked a little surprised by my answer and then I explained to her, who knows anything. I know that I love her and that she is committed to me and our relationship. I know that she makes me a better person and I feel like she’s my best friend but does that make her the one? Is there even … Continue reading The one.

Why Special People Lose

If you are around my age, lets just say 25-35 then you have probably grown up hearing this, you can be anything you want to be. You are special and amazing and there is nothing that you can’t do. If this rings true to you then you are probably a member of the dreaded millennial class. We take a lot of heat from or predecessors but I think that that flak is entirely unfair. We did not raise ourselves. We did not constantly tell ourselves that we are special and shield ourselves from failure. That is what our parents and … Continue reading Why Special People Lose

Avoid boxes

So for most of my life I have always been considered the music guy. To be more specific I have been the sax man. I mean don’t get me wrong. I love my sax and I have spent many great nights with my horn but for many people my saxophone is all they have ever known about me. This is kind of funny really because before I ever played a note I use to play basketball. I was pretty fast and did well in track and field and I had many different dreams and aspirations. It all disappeared in the … Continue reading Avoid boxes

No thanks necessary

Does this ever happen to you. You do something really nice for a person and then you think to yourself, wow that was really nice. Or worse than that do you ever wait for them to say thank you? This is something i’ve recently really been struggling with. Not just the need or want for recognition of the good deed that I did but also the thought itself. As a believer and follower of christ I am taught that we should do for others without wanting anything back but where is the line. I think it is impossible to not … Continue reading No thanks necessary

My time.

My time is probably something that I have always struggled with. I think I wrote about this before but after speaking with my girlfriend a realized either I didn’t talk about it here or I didn’t spend enough time. So I decided to take today and discuss my time. It is important to me to talk about this because it’s something that I have always struggled with. My struggle is not like most. I do not have a hard time managing my time or organizing it. My struggle is sharing my time or really giving it anyway.  Because you don’t … Continue reading My time.