TikTok is real

What’s up blog fam! Missed yesterday! Super down but we are keeping it moving. Might try to do a make up blog this weekend or I might just accept the fact that I missed a day. It’s not the end of the world soooo there. Enough about me and my failures let’s talk about TikTok!

First, what is TikTok? I’m glad you asked. TikTok is a new app that is currently taking the world by storm. Actually it’s not new it’s just an old failed app that has been rebranded. That in itself is pretty dope but let’s not get caught up. It use to be musically but now it’s better than ever and it is red hot lit right now. The only draw back is it is pretty young and it’s also pretty silly but I think that’s also a plus. The only way to succeed on TikTok is not take yourself to seriously. You can’t over think things and you have to just post and post and post. I originally got some bad advice and it said post every couple of days. Nah fam,you want to be posting in bunches until you get to the place you want.

The thing about TikTok is it’s at that wonderful place where you can just be first. Now considering they have over half a billion monthly users you might be looking at me like first. Yeah you can still be an influencer or creator. Most people just dabble for years. Post once every couple weeks and then ignore the app. Just imagine if you would have been consistent with Instagram from the jump. Even if you sucked you would probably have 10k followes but nope, you started a group on facebook and made vines. No I’m joking but getting in at the start is so important. The game is different and so are the rules. With Instagram finally starting to show signs of becoming Facebook, it’s more important than ever to start moving those eggs. TikTok is the perfect basket. By next year it will transition from needing to be first to best. Then good luck because there are some very funny and creative people on TikTok. So I suggest you listen to your boy and get on. It’s fun and silly but man it has a lot of attention. I mean a lot of attention!



Live casually

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