It Can’t Be Just Talk

What’s up blog fam. When I decided this would be the topic of my blog I had another thing in mind entirely. I think that this statement is not just about one subject. It really is a motto or a mantra. It can apply to so many areas of life. I will go down a couple the ways I feel it applies to my life and hopefully you will be able to extract info that you can apply to your life. So on that note, let’s go! So it can’t be just talk when it comes to doing something for someone. I have known lots of people that have talked about what they are going to do. What they want to do or what they are in the process of doing. I don’t care about that at all. I don’t respect or value anyone’s “about to”. Now that doesn’t mean I disrespect it, I just treat it like money, can’t pay the rent with invoices no matter how big they may be. Can’t pay the rent on spec although I admit its a little different but you get my point. Show me the money and by the money I mean show me what you have done or are doing. I don’t care if it sucks or if you fail at something. I respect people that have the courage and ability to do. Most people in this country just talk and never do. The reason is simple, doing is hard and doing is risky. You can stay that dopest person in your own world as long as you actually don’t do it. Because once you do now the market gets to decide what the truth is. Now just because the market doesn’t respond at first doesn’t mean you are a failure. Sometimes it just takes time or slight adjustments. Anytime you do in my opinion you can never be a failure because you actually shipped, you actually posted and the majority of people just sit on the sideline talking about what they are going to do or how much better there thing would be. Well, I have news for you, you have not done anything and you probably never will. Anyone can come up with ideas and a good amount of people can come up with great ideas. So why is it that only a few go on to become successful? Because ideas are just a start, figuring out how to bring an idea into the real world is the hard part.
The second way people just talk is when it comes to politics. I rewatched the Joe Rogan podcast featuring Candace Owens and man she is all talk. She does not offer any solutions or original ideas. She just points out flaws but I can’t even give her credit for that because she only applies her criticism to one side of the political landscape. There is no way that her Republican party could withstand her scrutiny. She claims to not be a republican but all her talking points check the Republican box. My father taught me that it isn’t hard for a person with intelligence to find problems or flaws but that is not why we have intelligence. We have it to figure out solutions. To be fair to her its a problem on both sides and across all politics. Our best and brightest have been reduced to simply spotting problems. It’s like that commercial where the person isn’t a cop or guard they just spot problems but don’t do anything to solve them. It can’t just be talk, you actually have to do something. We let these people go before us and just say this and that and they don’t even explain what they are saying. It’s so ridiculous but we just say hey that sounds good but its just talk. Politics today are just talk. No substance at all. So these are just a couple ways that I think talk has become cheap and we are accepting it like its actually a solution. Simply calling out problems or stating your dreams doesn’t mean much. You need to do something. You need to figure out why something is broken and then figure out how to fix it. If not then it’s just talk and it can’t be just talk.

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